Fulfilment in the Second Half of Life through Meaningful Entrepreneurship

We have two lives, the second one begins when we realize we only have one.

 - Confucius

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

– George Bernard Shaw

Why We Exist

We exist to help you create a life of adventure, purpose and fulfilment through meaningful entrepreneurial action in the second half of your life.

By learning and mastering the method used by expert entrepreneurs to create and build ventures, we help you discover your passion and launch your second act.

During our youth, we're driven by the the desire and need to pursue the external markers of success like money, status, and recognition. But as we enter the second half of life, our old compasses no longer work. Now we yearn for wholeness. We seek significance. To create a life of meaning, purpose, fulfilment, contribution and relevance. In short, we want to dance into our old age, in good health, calmness and creativity. 

This is a turning point. Where the real journey begins. It's a time of self-unfoldment where we're called to move beyond our careers and align our true work with our passions, values, and sense of meaning. It's about finding our true calling and building a life around it.

These are elements of a fulfilled life.

This phase is the true essence of mastery. It requires courage, curiosity, and a willingness to embrace uncertainty.

At act2 - we are obsessed about helping you create this life through actionable insights and steps that enables anyone to make a difference.

To us, Meaningful Entrepreneurship goes beyond mere financial independence. It is about illumination and impact.

Join us on this exciting journey towards personal fulfilment through creation.

What is Meaningful Entrepreneurship?

Meaningful Entrepreneurship goes beyond financial success. It involves ventures aligned with passions, values, and purpose, creating a positive impact on society. It combines entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity to address challenges, uplift communities, and foster sustainable change. Meaningful Entrepreneurs prioritize purpose, values, and holistic value creation. They strive for economic success while benefiting individuals, communities, and the environment. It's about leveraging entrepreneurship to make a lasting difference, pursuing purpose-driven endeavors for personal fulfillment and societal impact.

Who act2 is for

If you find yourself in your 40s, having already achieved success in your career and now contemplating a transition into the thrilling realm of entrepreneurship, you belong to our tribe.

If retirement has opened up a new chapter in your life, and you're seeking to launch a project that will bring vitality, new connections, and personal reinvention, you are a part of our tribe.

If you're an entrepreneur who has tasted success in the past and is now contemplating the launch of a fresh business or venture, armed with newfound knowledge and an expanded network, you are a cherished member of our tribe.

If you represent an organization that wishes to infuse the entrepreneurial spirit and agility into your experienced senior employees, we would love to connect with you.

And if you simply possess an innate curiosity about the creative process and have a desire to learn and grow, we invite you to engage with us.

In all these instances, we welcome you with open arms, ready to support, guide, and empower you on your entrepreneurial journey. Together, we can unlock the limitless possibilities that lie ahead and create a future filled with purpose, growth, and meaningful impact.

“....you can no longer justify your existence with achievements.”

- Ram Dass, Author

From Ladder to Double Helix

We draw inspiration from Mark Gerzon's insightful model of transitioning from the ladder to the double helix, as presented in his book, "Listening to Midlife." In essence, Gerzon proposes a profound shift in perspective as we navigate the second half of life.

From early childhood, we are deeply ingrained with the image of a ladder, which we eagerly ascend, driven by ambition and societal expectations. Some may climb a short distance, while others reach the pinnacle of success.

However, as we enter the second half of life, our vantage point expands, and we begin to see beyond the limitations of the ladder. We recognize that conventional notions of success no longer hold the same allure or guarantee happiness.

Gerzon suggests that we must relinquish the illusion that the next rung on the ladder will bring lasting fulfilment.

Instead, he presents us with the metaphor of the double helix—the very essence of life itself. The double helix represents both the inner and outer journey. One strand of the spiral symbolizes the external, visible world of achievements and accomplishments, while the other represents the internal, invisible realm of self-transformation.

Our Philosophy

According to Gerzon, a truly fulfilling life is one in which these two strands intertwine harmoniously, where the outer journey aligns with the inner journey. It is in this synchronicity that we discover a deep sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfilment.

In embracing Gerzon's model, we embrace the understanding that a fulfilling life transcends mere external achievements.

We recognize the importance of nurturing our inner selves, fostering personal growth, and embarking on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

By embracing the double helix, we unlock the potential to live a life that is rich in both external impact and internal fulfilment, where our actions in the world are deeply aligned with our authentic selves.

Thus, Meaningful Entrepreneurship in the Second Half of Life is built on this model of self unfoldment through entrepreneurial action.

Our Methodology

With a wealth of collective wisdom spanning over eight decades, our team of experts and co-creators possesses a profound understanding of entrepreneurship, venture creation, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Drawing from a rich tapestry of Eastern and Western philosophies, we have woven together a unique framework that empowers individuals and organizations to embark on their second act with purpose and intention.

Through our journey, we have come to realize that true fulfilment lies at the intersection of entrepreneurship and self-discovery. We have embraced the essence of both disciplines, to create a transformative approach that resonates with the core of human experience.

Guided by the wisdom of Eastern and Western schools of thought, we offer a holistic pathway for individuals and organizations to design, create, and take meaningful action towards their next chapter. Our approach goes beyond surface-level techniques and dives deep into the essence of who we are, unlocking the vast potential within us to craft purposeful ventures and make a lasting impact.

At the heart of our work is a profound recognition that the journey of the second act is not just about external success or achievement, but about a profound inner transformation. It is about aligning our actions with our values, passions, and sense of purpose to create ventures and initiatives that truly resonate with our authentic selves.

Join us on this profound exploration where entrepreneurship and self-discovery intertwine, and together, let us craft a future filled with purpose, growth, and enduring significance.

Dedicated to Helping You Create a More Meaningful and Fulfilling Second Half of Life.


Contact us to join our community, programs or for more information.